Reuse and Recycling Initiatives
At our new corporate headquarters and within each of our regional offices we maintain the strictest reuse and recycling program in the industry. Below are a few of the highlights of this program: All cardboard, plastic, wood, and scrap metal from product and equipment packaging is either reused or recycled. All outdated computers, cell phones, and other IT equipment are either given to American Dining Creation employees, donated to charitable organizations or sent back to the manufacturer to be recycled. All outdated vending, coffee and water equipment is striped for reusable or recyclable materials and converted to condiment stands or storage cabinets. All paper and ink cartridges used in our offices are recycled and associates are encouraged not to print material unless absolutely necessary. Lighting in all of our offices has been or is in the process of being converted to high-efficiency fluorescent lighting.
Fleet and Route Optimization
American Dining Creations maintains a fleet of hundreds of service and delivery vehicles across the United States. When necessary we replace outdated vehicles with the most energy-efficient models in their class and we employ an industry-leading route optimizing a delivery schedule that has helped us to reduce the number of miles we drive each year by more than 15%.

One of the criteria that we use to judge and reevaluate our relationship with all of our suppliers is their commitment to environmental sustainability. Using this principle has led American Dining Creations to build strong relationships with EcoLabs, Pepsico, Gordon Foods, Flavia/M&M Mars, Unilever, and countless other companies that not only provide quality products but are also recognized environmental leaders within their industries.
At American Dining Creations we have pioneered a “buy local” purchasing strategy designed to source most products used in our operations within a 200- mile radius. This buying strategy not only saves gas by eliminating long-distance transportation but also helps to support sustainable growth within the local economies that we serve.