Our Safety & Sanitation Culture
Our onboarding programs include safety and sanitation training with our in-house Director of Safety, Peter Kestler. Peter works with managers in the field to ensure all cafes and micro markets meet the highest safety and sanitation standards through audits 1-2 times per year and thorough reviews.
American Dining Creations achieves these high standards through a rigorous multi-level assessment process that involves all our front-line managers, district managers, regional vice presidents, and the senior corporate dining leadership team. We take our assessments very seriously, as they are always shared with company ownership for further evaluation.

COVID-19 Response
The safety of our workers and your employees is of paramount importance to us. We have developed innovative solutions to the many challenges. Our commitment is that safety will remain at the forefront of everything we provide. Dining and refreshment services have played a critical role in supporting a rapidly evolving workplace. Our COVID-19 plan contained the necessary resources and best practices, including employee screening, social distancing, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), enhanced sanitation protocols, and cleaning supplies.
As you re-imagine your space, we are here to provide you with the latest and best expertise on dining and refreshment operations in the post-pandemic world. In addition, we continuously monitor the CDC recommendations related to COVID-19 to ensure compliance with local and state ordinances and mandates.